Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Another sign of the future of Cole

A few months ago returning from a bike ride on Walnut Street, I noticed a couple of "yuppies" (or "new neighbors", "loft people", or even white folk as some neighborhood residents call us) looking at the old abandoned warehouse at 33rd and Walnut. It occurred to me at the time, that it could be another set of lofts coming to the area.

Fast forward to tonight, again returning from a bike ride tonight riding up Walnut Street, I noticed scaffoldings up in front of the building--The renovation has begun!

I don't know for certain what's going in there, but it's probably lofts. Some will condemn this renovation as simple gentrification, but I don't see anyone living there now. I'll take any residents there, over an abandoned, run-down, graffiti-ridden warehouse. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't happy it will likely NOT be some sort of half-way house or mental health facility. We've done our share over here.

So I'm thrilled that the progress over in Ballpark is continuing to spread this way--Now only four blocks from us! I think it bodes well for the future of Cole.

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