Thursday, October 09, 2008

Downing Super Closing?

Just got wind of a rumor that the Downing Supermarket (or the "Down And Out Super" as I call it) might be closing!

This could be great news for the neighborhood if it's true! That is assuming someone else would move in... which I would think someone would have to...

I think the Cole Neighborhood Association is actively working on some sort of commerce feasibility study to help attract new businesses... Sure would be nice to see a Sunflower Market (probably dreaming here) or at least a King Sooper or something there. If you're excited about this prospect, I recommend contacting the CNA to make your voice be heard.

Folks in this neighborhood deserve better selection and prices than that store offers. Here's hoping the rumor is true.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good news for sure if that shit-hole closes. But where will locals by pig ears and pig feet anymore???