Monday, March 09, 2009

Sunflower Market is coming.... To Park Hill

Still good news for Cole, but Park Hill is the big winner here:

So for now, we're still stuck with the abhorrent market known as the "Down and Out Super"...


The bright side is I'll still be able to get my pig's feet, lengua, and Jesus Candles nearby for years to come...


Anonymous said...

Small request:
While I don't disagree entirely with much of what you write, I very much disagree with the tone in which it is written. Would you mind adding a little more obvious disclaimer that this is NOT the CNA blog, and that your posts are your opinions and don't have anything to do with the CNA? Just a request, of course it's your blog...

ColeMemoirs said...

Thanks for your comment. Guess I don't know how much more obvious I can make that I don't speak for the CNA. It's right in the title of the blog, and I frequently refer to the CNA in third person... Is that not clear enough? I'm certainly willing to hear suggestions, as I don't intend this to co-opt the more diplomatic and positive message of the CNA...

Anonymous said...

Why do you live in the hood and not expect someone to puke in your front lawn? Its kind of like a yuppie moving to the mountains and complaining that a mountain lion ate his cat.

ColeMemoirs said...

Yeah, seriously, why would anyone expect dumb inner city residents to handle themselves with class? Silly me...

Anonymous said...

Yeah this is for Big Sprinter I don't know who you are or if you live in the Cole Neighborhood, but you should not be saying this "why would anyone expect dumb inner city residents to handle themselves with class?" I can probably find tons of people in this neighborhood that are way classier than you. Please watch what you say.I can say for myself that I'm classier than you just judging from your little comments.

ColeMemoirs said...

Last Anonymous,

You may be classier (that remains to be seen) but you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer. Go to and introduce yourself to a concept called "sarcasm". I wasn't serious when I said "why would anyone expect dumb inner city residents to handle themselves with class?", that was a comment responding to the last anonymous post--To make a point that the writer clearly thought that residents in this neighborhood were less intelligent, because they couldn't be expected not to vomit in other people's yards.

I say again, as I always have,it amazes me how so many people that claim to be the voice of, or advocates for, the poor residents of Cole, hold them to a lower standard. For example, why should residents complain when someone is shitting on the street corner? "It's just the way people were brought up around here, they don't know any better." Why would you expect someone not to puke on your front lawn? "You live in the city, asshole."

So, to dumb it down to the point that you can understand, I hold everyone in the neighborhood to the same standard--Just like I'd want my neighbors to hold me to. That means no drugs, no passing out on the streetcorner, and no urinating, vomiting, or defacating within view of my front porch.

And you're wondering if I live in Cole? Seriously? You must have just crawled out from under some rock and discovered my blog. I've been writing about living in Cole for almost five years now.

I look forward to your response. Thanks for reading,


Anonymous said...

To Big Sprinter you are something else you think living in Cole neighborhood for 5 years makes you special and gives you the abiltiy to know what goes on around there? I have lived there for 13 years and yes like you I hold everyone to the same standards, but when theres people like you out there who think there better than those who already live there you have issues. If you knew the neighborhood was bad why did you move there? Like you said how are those people going to know better thats all they've seen growing up. And thanks for referring me to the dictionary at least I know your not stupid all the way

Anonymous said...

And thanks for "dumbing it down" your so helpful

ColeMemoirs said...

Thanks for the intelligent comment, Anon 11:47.

You're right on one thing--If I would have known how trashy Cole still is, and how content "old timers" like you are with letting it stay that way, I would have moved somewhere else.

But I hate to toot my own horn, but Cole is a better place for it since I didn't. How many hundred blocks of graffiti have you painted over in your 13 years of living here? Bet I've got you beat in five. How many local kids have you mentored? How involved have you been with reducing crime? Would love to hear.

As soon as I can turn around and sell my home for a profit, I will--And not ashamed to say so. But you old-timers will need to get used to newer residents like me taking ownership and accountability over your precious barrio.

Too bad you're so short-sighted not to see the value in that.

ColeMemoirs said...

Oh, and Anon 11:47,

I almost forgot. Bookmark that link to the dictionary, so you can learn the grammatically correct usage of "there", "their", and "they're". Additionally, it's not "when there's people like you...", it's "when there ARE people like you..." When you're implying someone else is stupid you might want to ensure your own posts don't read like they're written by a 3rd grader. Product of Denver's stellar public school system, no doubt.

ColeMemoirs said...

And look up the difference between "your" and "you're" while you're at it.

Anonymous said...

I am 17 years old and I have lived in Cole neighborhood all my life,I just recently found this blog while I was doing research about the neighborhood. I would just like to know what do you Big Sprinter think about the neighborhood? What race are you?

ColeMemoirs said...

Anon 10:05,

Thanks for reading.

I'm white, and honestly I don't know what to think about Cole. Sometimes I really like it here, as I love the history of the neighborhood, and there are some really nice people. However, I grow tired of the trash, of the graffiti, and of the drunks and other "troublemakers". But more than anything I wish more people took pride of ownership over their blocks and the neighborhood as a whole. I believe the changes as of late are very positive in terms of cleaning up the area. But I'd like to know what you think of the changes? You've seen a lot of them, living here for 17 years. Would you trade Cole today for the Cole of 10 years ago? Thanks for reading.

ColeMemoirs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Same here there are times when I really do like it, but other times I think there is more stuff we could to fix the gangs, the graffiti and just all the bad stuff in the neighborhood. I'm currently doing a senior project and my project is gang prevention and just issues that deal with that. I've been trying to focus on Cole being that it is the neighborhood I've grown up in all my life. I just see how so many teens don't have a goal in life. I try to be the best I can so that I can make something out of myself and in the future try to make my community better.

ColeMemoirs said...

It's clear you're going to do just fine.

But you're right--So many of the problems I see in Cole are due to parents that just don't care about their kids. It's clear you have a good family. Good luck on your project and Cole is lucky to have you.

Anonymous said...

Well thank you and I'm glad that there are people like you in the neighborhood who are trying to make things better. Where in Cole do you live?

ColeMemoirs said...

I live near Bruce Randolph and Downing.

You give me too much credit. I was very committed to improving the neighborhood five years ago--Participating in the neighborhood association, the community policing initiative, and trying to mentor some kids on my block. I picked up trash, planted trees, and used to drive around the alleys of the neighborhood with tons of dumpster paint to paint over graffiti.

At some point I just became so exhausted with the futility--For every bottle I picked up, three were there the next day. Having to ask a vagrant to move his sleeping bag so I could back the car out of the garage. Our neighbors carelessly breeding chihuahuas like a puppy mill. Not to mention the gang-related shootings that have from time to time.

I've grown cynical, and have checked out. I pretty much just watch my own block anymore. It's going to take others to take responsibility for their own alleys and blocks for things to truly change.

But the good news is that the more home owners move into the area--white, black, whatever--the neighborhood will continue to improve.

But it's crucial in my mind for "locals" like yourself to be involved--Too many residents don't speak up and be involved, though there are so many opportunitites to. You should join the Cole Neighborhood Association, I know they would welcome your participation.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I was thinking about joining the association that way it would be easier to continue working in the neighborhood after I graduated high school. Oh I live just down the street from you. I think the whole neighborhood would improve if parents would control their kids. I know I myself am a kid,but my parents have taught me better than just to be running around the streets doing bad things.

ColeMemoirs said...

The association could really benefit from your point of view, as most of them are new residents like me.

Anonymous said...

what sort of things does the association talk about? I sometimes think that my opinion really wouldn't matter since I'm only a 17 year old.

ColeMemoirs said...

Anything neighborhood-related. Opportunities for community involvement, beautification, crime, issues with the city, and just building relationships among residents. Your opinion matters a whole lot, don't sell yourself short. Your point of view would be a welcome addition to their group.

Anonymous said...

Ok well I'll see when I can make it to one of the meetings right now I have alot of work from school so maybe after school is out I'll become more involved.