Monday, August 17, 2009

You know your house is a nuisance when...

Even Google's Street View tells the entire story of your property.

When your home is in such a state of disrepair (or "renovation" as the owner calls it) for four years, that this is the Street view photo the Google truck captures:

Or, if unsavory characters are loitering around, drinking, buying and selling prohibited substances, or soliciting prostitution frequently enough that said characters show up in the Google Street View:

This property is such a neighborhood gem. In fact, there was a Gang member on gang member stabbing at the property just two weeks ago. Too bad we couldn't catch that on Google Street View.


Anonymous said...

Ha, too funny. That's Gerry and Tommy, right? They're as regular as the mail...

ColeMemoirs said...

A contractor was there today looking at the roof. Perhaps the house is being sold? Keep your fingers crossed...

ColeMemoirs said...

House is officially owned by the bank. Contractor was doing an estimate on what it would take to make the house sale-able. It was a long list.