Thursday, January 28, 2010

Changes coming in Cole?

Walking the dogs today, I was surprised to see two upcoming changes in businesses in the area:

First, The Econo Mart is going out of business, and their spot in the Down-and-Out Super building is up for lease. I guess with the recession and all used Salsa CD's and black-light prints of Jesus Christ and Tupac aren't selling like they used to. What do you all think, has Cole transformed enough yet to attract a quality business to the neighborhood, like a bank branch, a Subway, or better yet, a coffee house? Or will yet another Latino thrift store go back in?

Just as interesting was when I walked by the old Tosh's Hacienda/Kiva//Blackberries Lounge building, now being used by Exdo as an annex to their events center. The sign on the North side of the building says "Swallows Video Lounge", whatever that is. It appears it's just using the southwest corner of the building perhaps? Anyone have any idea on this one? I can't find any website or info for this business online.


Anonymous said...

I don't think one should even venture a guess as to the business concept behind "Swallows Video Lounge."

Anonymous said...

You forgot about the immensely successful "Dy-nasty" Club in the chain of inhabitants of that's crossing our fingers (yet again).

Aurora Sisneros said...

As much as I support small biz (since I am one myself), I am still hoping that someday, maybe someday, a Vitamin Cottage or Wild Oats or something similar will move into that building. Coffee house would be a serious dream!

I have been wondering about the Swallows place myself, and googled it, which is how I found your blog. If I go knock on the door to investigate, I will let you know what I find! :)

Anonymous said...

My rumor mill told me it's owned by a guy that owns a couple of night clubs in the Blake/walnut and 34/35th street area.

Anyone know what's happening at MLK and Downing?

Anonymous said...

Some quick googling makes it look like Swallows is Cole's newest neighborhood gay bar - which, frankly, is a lot better than other possibilities (first instinct was porn, so I was hesitant to google it at work!)

ahren said...

i've been wondering about "swallows" too. just today i found this:

so maybe that shines a light on it to some degree.

any idea if the economart liquor store is also headed out? where will i get my modelo?

ColeMemoirs said...

Glad to hear it is likely just a bar. Marty, the owner of Tracks/Exdo/the Exdo Annex is a responsible business owner.

Ahren, be sure to check out Downing Street Liquors at Downing Street and 22nd Avenue. The owner and staff are super nice. It's obviously a bit farther out but you also won't get pan-handled or harassed when you shop there :)

Ashleigh said...

Anon 9:27

MLK/Downing site is the future home of a residential housing facility for the chronically homeless (aka "The 4th Quarter"), run thru the Bo Matthews Center.
See CNM:

Other Link:

Final Documents:

Ashleigh said...

Another link:

Anonymous said...

A gay friend of mine said swallows was quite nice. Appears to be a well run place and is getting a lot of buzz in Denver s gay community. I welcome that to the neighborhood!

ColeMemoirs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
ColeMemoirs said...

I wish Swallows the best however, I think they're a bit too extreme for my tastes. I went in a week or so ago and they were friendly enough, but I found a couple things rather extreme. First, the statement on the menu saying "If you didn't swallow before, you will now..." or something like that, and the sign at the entrance saying "We are a gay-owned and run establishment. We welcome gays, bi-sexuals... and straight allies."

I asked the manager if he would think it appropriate if someone had a sign that said "This is a straight-owned business and we welcome straights, and gay allies." Or, "This is a white-owned business, and we welcome all whites, and allies of color."

He said that they had already gotten people "from the neighborhood" who had come in and freaked out at the extreme gay focus of the bar, and the sign was designed to keep those folks out.

I suggested that while I understood, I thought that it likely would turn off some folks in the neighborhood into not coming in (I won't be back). He said that the focus of Swallows was "a gay bar" not "a bar where gays are welcome". He said they tried doing a neighborhood bar but lost their tails on it. Personally, I think it was because they ran the place like the Keystone Cops, not a lack of neighborhood demand, that caused them to fail.

But back to my point--Last time I checked,every place in Denver I've ever been don't even blink when homosexuals come in (as it should be). You could still have a bar that was welcoming to all persuasions, instead of going extreme gay like they are.

I hope they succeed, but I won't be back again, as I bet many of the neighborhood residents that while they don't have a problem with homosexuality, don't particularly don't find the flamboyant gay lifestyle appealing.

But time will tell whether there will be enough gays willing to drive from wherever they live to Cole to support both Trax and now Swallows. Or, whether they have learned anything from their abysmal failures at Kiva to be able to run a successful business in that building.

Anonymous said...

Just look at the link Ashleigh provided. Their menu says "spitters suck" and "if you didn't like to swallow before you will now."

I don't, and won't swallow (their food is included.) Extreme and offensive in my book.

Side note, too bad they didn't proofread their menu before printing 500 of 'em ("deserts")

Anonymous said...

Looks like a solid family place to me:

Bet they hand out penis-shaped balloons

Leigh said...

Kiva failed, in part, because their service sucked.

ColeMemoirs said...

Amen, Leigh.

Service, spotty and frequently abysmal.

Menu and food quality largely unremarkable (though they had a few gems, like their smoked meatloaf and burgers).

Salsa out of a jar (I realized several months after they closed that their salsa was just Blue Moose salsa. Blue Moose should call it "Kiva Throwback" salsa.

A business model predicated on driving people into their restaurant only during happy hour, when they eat free food (no reason to order anything!) and drink crappy discount cocktails that the restaurant doesn't make any money on anyway. Their other busy day was of course Sunday where you could drink all day for what was it, $10. No profit there.

Not to mention that they were trying to fill (and staff) an eleventy-billion square foot facility.

Oh, and management that clearly had never run a restaurant before.

Nope, couldn't have anything to do with these facts. I'm sure it was jut because of a lack of community support that they failed.

Leigh said...

Funny, their salsa was the only thing I liked about the place.

ColeMemoirs said...

Yes, I agree, it wasn't bad. Likely because it came out of a jar. :)

Anonymous said...

Swallows Video Lounge, huh? Yeah, just what the neighborhood needs. We've got far too many neighborhood bars with Phil's Place and, um... uh... um... uh... yeah... with Phil's Place.

Anonymous said... now I know what Swallows is all about. But as a lesbian, I'm going to refrain from commenting on your, um, "observations" about how the owners choose to run their business. This is quite telling:

"I hope they succeed, but I won't be back again, as I bet many of the neighborhood residents that while they don't have a problem with homosexuality, don't particularly don't find the flamboyant gay lifestyle appealing."

And to think I was - this - close to attending a CNA thanks. I'll be sure to inform other GLBT Cole residents of this "extreme" establishment...and the support it's (apparently not) finding. Guess Hooters would have been a better fit, eh? ~msh

ColeMemoirs said...

Not sure what "GLBT" means, but if finding references to "swallowing" inherent to a brand a bit extreme makes me intolerant in someone's mind, so be it. But as always, I again will point out that I don't speak for the CNA. Just a resident, who like you, is welcome to an opinion. And I have to point out the fallacy in using Hooters as the other option for Swallows. Not sure what you're going for there. I wish you and the "GLBT" community a fabulous three or four months of enjoying Swallows before it fails. By "the way they choose to run their business" I simply mean the business decision that they made by making the place a flamboyant gay bar. If they can make it, more power to them. But it wasn't because of a lack of community support that made Kiva fail, nor will it be a lack of community support that Swallows will choke. It will be because the owner and management, though commendable for their resiliance, have decided to bank on a theme that will be unpalatable to a good portion of the local population. Flame away, I look forward to hearing how shallow and intolerant my point of view is.

ColeMemoirs said...

Ahh, thanks for the chance to enlighten myself via Google:

I hope the "GLBT" has deep pockets, and likes coming to the barrio, because the GLBT community will need to provide a lot of business to keep Swallows afloat.

Anonymous said...

Oh the drama.

I must chime in at this point to state that a gay friend of mine finds the entire "swallows" concept offensive as well. FWIW.

And let's be fair here. Just like it is someone's preference to go to a place like Swallows, it is someone's preference not to go. Just like MSH apparently finds Hooters unappealing, some will find Swallows unappealing. Vote with your pocketbook, but don't make this a political thing. Jeesh.

Anonymous said...

MSH, I'm with Anon 5:50...I hope you don't flip-out on everyone that has a different opinion other than your own. Just like it's okay for the GLBT community NOT to enjoy Hooters (or a myrad of other establishments), it's okay for someone to not enjoy Swallows. For the record, I can't say that many of my (straight) friends care for Hooters either.

I think the point is that we in the 'hood were hoping and wishing for Kiva to become something for everyone...Jack and Jill, Sue and Beth, Mark and Chad...blah blah blah.


And you can leave the CNA outta this a regular attendee of the meetings, I can assure you that the leaders and all the "memebers" are very cognizant of our demographics and try to be as positive and uplifting toward the neighborhood and in regards to it's activities. I'm sure they'd love to have you if you can promise to leave your assumptions and attitude at home.

Anonymous said...

Fallacies have names--are you saying my Hooter's analogy is an error in reasoning? Why go out of your way to be so judgmental if you just want a business to succeed? When it's safe to be out in a straight bar with your partner/lover/gf/bf and not fear for your personal safety, then bars like Swallows won't have to exist. I am not a fan of the way in which Swallows chooses to market itself and I find their branding completely sophomoric. People of all stripes may be offended. But I commend the owners for attepting to support the GLBT community with this establishment. Do I think it will make it? No. Which is sad, but I'm not sure the demographic is there to support it. I do find it unfortunate that people looking for info about Cole come across a blog like yours and are subject to the perpetuation of all manner of negative stereotypes. I, for one, do NOT live in a "barrio,"--if you've ever been in a barrio, Cole is *not* one-- nor do I think terms like "Pimp Juice" or "flamboyant gay lifestyle" are appropriate. They are prejorative. And maybe that's your point. I don't know. As for the Anon 6:35? Let me've lived in Cole for what, 3 years? Try not attacking my person, okay? I'm not a fan of ad hominems. You don't know me. All you've managed to do is give me yet another reason to avoid the CNA. As if I needed more reasons, given what lifelong Cole residents on my block have to say about the CNA. Big Sprinter--you're right, I shouldn't have connected you with the CNA, and I should have refrained from making that comment I know I was onto something. Thanks for underscoring my intuition, Anon 6:35! ~msh

ColeMemoirs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

BS--you win. I'm not interested in fighting with you here.

From the tone of your most recent blog post, and ones that I've read previously, you appear pretty intent on verbal attacks to cut people down--at least those that don't agree with you. It seems to be a sport to you, this "sarcasm," this "satire." And all without a real name behind it.

I don't hate anyone. And I'm certainly not about to go post something on a public blog that defames a person's character, or attempts to justify verbal abuse by claiming its "satire". Here's a thought: I am an ***anonymous*** poster here because I do not want to risk putting my name into the public sphere in connection with my sexuality. You, however, have-- seemingly without thought or care--deliberately chosen to out me on your latest entry, without my permission, using my NAME and linking to my blog. What!? You don't use your own! name out of fear of retaliation(or so you have stated in your blog) but it's okay to put someone else at risk? Why did you do that? Why, when I made it clear that safety is an issue for the gay community, would you create an avenue that allows people to connect the dots (leading them to my blog)?

The only conclusion I can draw is that this was a deliberate move, and there was little concern for what ramifications might come of this choice. I don't understand. I have never cited you in my blog in any way that would divulge your identity (and yes, I know who you are--hell, I've heard from other Cole residents what you think of me. I was told, in fact, that I was "fighting" with you in the past). News to me.

I must ask that you please try and refrain from stating my name on your blog, and referencing my sexuality as a means to make a point and/or belittle me. My choice to speak of my sexuality (ANONYMOUSLY--using my initials is not the same as stating my name, or linking to my BLOG after stating outright that I'm a lesbian, for goodness sake) is my right. It's not yours. You took advantage of this knowledge and used it in a way that could place me in real danger. Can you understand this? I respected your desire to remain unknown in this cyberspace. I hoped you would respond in kind.

Well, it's a beautiful day, and I'm going out in it. I hope you can hear what I'm trying to say here. It's not about Cole at all, really...I do think, at the bottom of all this crapanzee, we both care about our neighborhood. Instead, it's about respect and safety. Please. Try to put this in perspective. I ask only that you respect my privacy. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

You are right, I don't know you. And presuming that you've never been to a CNA meeting or any of the neighoborhood cleanups or tree plantings, I would argue that you don't know the CNA either.

How long have I lived in the neighborhood? I'm not really sure if that's relavent, but it's definitely longer than 3 years.

We both are not men, so I guess we can't yank out our you-know-whats to decide who in the right (for the record, I'm trying to inject a bit of levity). I guess I'll just try to squash this right now and decide enough with the back and forth. Though, I welcome your retort...

I apologize for so deeply offending you personally...I suppose I felt peripherally attacked as well.

-Anon 6:35

ColeMemoirs said...

Oh, MSH, what a love hate relationship we have! I truly feel sorry for people that take themselves and things so seriously. First off, I have no idea what it is like to be openly gay. If you truly can't go out in public than that's a shame, and you're right, you need places that are more welcoming. But if you go back and read all my comments, I've never said Swallows shouldn't exist--I simply stated a fact that I don't care for the theme, and find it a bit extreme. Funny how I'm sure you think you're an advocate for free speech, yet apparently I'm not entitled to an opinion.

Of course I write about "pimp juice" in a pejorative manner, that's the point. That's satire. And you do know that's a real brand name, right? Second, I'm sorry you're offended by the term "flamboyant gay lifestyle", so please enlighten me as to a politically correct way to describe the "sophomoric" (as you put it, I say offensive) brand of Swallows, where you're smacked in the face with countless euphemisms about ejaculation.

I never get tired of people playing the "do you know what a barrio looks like..." card. Reminds me of Swingers ("You don't know what it was like growing up, I'm from LA." "Shut up, you're from Anaheim!")What, do you want to compare bios to see who has lived in or seen the shittiest neighborhood? I hate to break it to you, but Cole is a Barrio. First off, describes a Barrio as: "a part of a large U.S. city, esp. a crowded inner-city area, inhabited chiefly by a Spanish-speaking population." So at least for a couple more years, until white folk like you and me change the demographics, Cole literally is a Barrio.

But you and I both know I use the term "Barrio" in a pejorative manner. Great word by the way. As long as graffiti abounds, trash is everywhere, and gang bangers are shooting each other, I'll continue to call this the Barrio. And let's be honest--If either of us made more money we'd be living in a more desirable neighborhood. Everyone would. I'm just open about it, you'd feel ashamed to admit that reality.

Interesting how fuzzy your line is where humor ceases to be funny. You'll laugh at a door mat that satires gentrification and make jokes in your blog about your drunk neighbors but apparently suggesting gang bangers drink Nelly's energy drink is offensive. Hmmm...

And finally, I have to say I'm disappointed someone so clearly educated as yourself resorted to the absolute feeblest attempt to justify who is entitled to an opinion about Cole--How long someone has lived here. Never ceases to amaze me. How long have you lived here, Megan? Who cares? If I have lived here a year longer than you, does that entitle me to more of an opinion? Are you entitled to less of an opinion about Cole because some folks have lived here longer? FYI, my heritage is Czech. Czechs were among the first ethnicities that moved to Cole when it was established. Does that mean I'm a Cole native and entitled to more of an opinion than others?

ColeMemoirs said...

OK "MSH" I didn't mean to "out you", though I think anyone that really cares can find out who you really are from your use of "MSH" in your posts. I'll even go back and delete all references to your blog. I'm truly sorry you perceive I put you in danger, it was unintentional.

But I'll cry "shenanigans" about your comment that I'm only intent on cutting people down that disagree with me. I simply fight for my opinion--As you do. When you generalized that I, and a large percentage of Cole was homophobic, I took exception. It's always interesting to me how folks can be so judgmental like you, and then when someone takes exception or makes it clear we're not just going to lay down and buy what you're selling, you shut down. Pot... it's the kettle... you're black. Don't stand by the pool if you don't want to get wet.

I'm truly sorry to hear that you feel you need to hide your sexuality. Perhaps I'm more out of touch than I thought about social norms. But Denver, and Colorado, is one of the most liberal places on the planet. I'm really surprised, and sorry to hear that you feel it is still so unfriendly towards gays. No doubt that chip on your shoulder shaped your snap judgements of me.

Again, sorry I "outed" you. But perhaps you shouldn't post with your initials in a response to a post mentioning your blog. Doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to follow those clues.