Friday, June 26, 2009

Welcome to Cole

Two folks I met through this blog (Shocked, actually, I guess I don't offend EVERYONE) bought an awesome home in Cole recently, and moved in a couple of weeks ago... and were immediately burglarized...

Yes, bummer. Not a great welcome to a couple of really nice folks willing to chance it in Cole.

Have we been burglarized in three plus years here? Nope, at least not yet. Have any of our friends? Yes... I guess... in a way.

Why do I say that? Because each time it included some very interesting circumstances:

1. A nice girl that lived across the street had her car stolen from right in front of her house. Turns out she had left her keys sitting out on the front porch overnight. (Incidentally, the guy on our block with "connections" to the local crack-heads was able to get her car to mysteriously re-appear within a couple days... interesting).

2. That same girl had a guy crawl in her doggy door. Yes, her doggy door was big enough for a man to fit through. Need I say more?

3. Ironically enough, this same girl, who just sold her house to move back to the midwest, came by a couple weeks ago to clean out her house for the new owners, and left her weed-whacker out unattended in her front yard, with the gate open. Poof! Weed-Whacker gone. Imagine that. Is this the city or something?

4. Our neighbors up the street had a pallet of sod stolen. Turns out they had parked it out back of their property in the alley, and in all honesty, in the 'hood, that means typically it's up for grabs. Now I wouldn't normally think anyone would give away a pallet of sod, but that is the custom around here. They ended up finding the guy in the next alley up the block laying the sod in his yard. He of course denied any wrongdoing, but they got it back, and it now grows happily in their back yard.

5. Our neighbors across the street had a Playstation and some other electronics stolen from their home. Someone actually kicked in their back door and stole the items, as if they knew exactly when they were gone, and where the items were. They initially blamed it on a kid up the street who is a bit shady--But we later learned that it was one of their nephews who had a drug problem.

My point? (And I'm likely jinxing ourselves by saying this...) We have a pretty darned good block, all things considered. Most everything that has happened here has a story behind it besides just random, urban crime.

And, thinking outloud, betting that the person that robbed these folks is right on their block right now, typing away on their laptop...

To my new friends in Cole, here's hoping it gets better for you guys, and definitely check out the Cole Neighborhood Association when you get settled.




Unknown said...

Thanks for the post ;). We are finally getting settled in and are keeping busy with quite a few projects around the house. We are happy, and are starting to know the neighbors a little better.
Funny how right you are in this post... Somehow the stolen items appeared at a neighbor's place who refused to keep them and ended up calling the cops. We still don't have our stuff back, but know it is definitely those same neighbors who told the robber when we left the house!
Some good came out afterall as we now know almost everyone on the block, and they will be watching out for us in the future.

cole-savant said...
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ColeMemoirs said...

Hey Marina,

Glad things are settling down. Sure was a crappy start to your time in Cole. But you do have some great folks on that block, and the neighborhood just continues to get better. Hope things continue to look up for you. And stop by anytime! Cheers, CNM

Rebeeca said...

Hi, just wanted to say i am thrilled to have found your blog and thanks so much for the humor, and information you have posted here, entertaining and insightful. I have spent my evening reading all your posts and really enjoyed them.

I just put in a bid on a house on Marion earlier today and i am looking forward to moving to the area. I would love to email you some questions if you dont mind. My email is


ColeMemoirs said...

Thanks for reading and for finding the humor here, Rebecca. And most of all, welcome the the neighborhood.