Friday, July 24, 2009

Essential Equipment For Life in Cole

Anyone else have a horrific fly problem right now? I don't know if it's the dumpster right out back of our house that frequently has chicken bones, other food, and dirty baby diapers dumped (sans bag) in it, or the fact that one of our neighbors is running a perpetual soda can recycling program out of their back yard, but the flies have been AWFUL around here since around a week after the 4th holiday.

This photo, mind you, is of a GALLON size fly trap that is almost full--in a week. Along with two quart sized ones, and one disposable one. Also filled up 3 fly tapes during the same period. So I've caught nearly two gallons of flies in a week. Yikes.


Marina said...

You too! We have the same problem! Its been since we moved in, and we can't seem to get rid of them. We have fly paper hanging in every room and some of our guests even pointed it out... ouch!
We will have to get your fly trap jar and give it a try. I was starting to think that we were the problem.

ColeMemoirs said...

Home Depot has the disposable traps at $5 a piece, and perhaps some have the re-usable jar traps too. But they don't sell the bait anymore. Best place I found was online:

Anonymous said...

No, the problem is that so many people, as pointed out, dump their trash into our dumpsters without a bag... and leave the dumpsters open.

Tracy said...

Holy crap, we've had a huge fly problem, too, and we're several houses away from dumpsters (although we do have dog poo -- yum!).

ColeMemoirs said...

Dog poo will do it too! I make it a point to clean up our big dogs' waste a couple times a day, as they do leave some whoppers that the flies find very attractive...

ski.co411 said...

Thanks for the post! We're new to the area (Whittier) and couldn't believe the flies. The traps really seem to help.

Any suggestion for the Purina smell that seems to waft through our bedroom window at about 2AM?

ColeMemoirs said...

LOL, candles maybe???

Anonymous said...

Aside from the folks that think it's okay to dispose of their garbage without a bag, we then have those other folks who wander our alleys going through all the dumpters looking for cans...don't they know those of us who do choose to bag our refuse, probably recycle??