Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cole Neighborhood Plan Meeting--Tomorrow, Thursday, March 11th at EXDO

Have an opinion about what Cole's neighborhood plan should look like? Just want to be in the loop? Don't miss this meeting tomorrow night at EXDO.

Hello, my name is Courtland Hyser, and I’m the City of Denver’s project manager for a new small area plan called the Northeast Downtown Neighborhoods Plan. You are receiving this e-mail because you have either requested to be on the mailing list, or because you were already on the mailing list for one or more of the following recent planning efforts: the Downtown Area Plan, the Arapahoe Square Blight Study, the Central Corridor Extension Environmental Evaluation, or the 38th & Blake Station Area Plan.
The first public meeting for the Northeast Downtown Neighborhoods Plan will be held on Thursday, March 11th at the EXDO Event Center, 1399 35th St., from 6:00-8:00 p.m. The focus of this first meeting will be on identifying challenges, opportunities, and existing conditions within the study area. There is a map of the study area on the attached meeting flier. You can also learn more about the plan by visiting the project’s website at If you have additional questions, you can reach me at or 720-865-2924.

Courtland Hyser, AICP

Senior City PlannerDenver Community Planning and Development201 West Colfax Ave, Dept 205Denver, CO 80202Phone: (720) 865-2924Website:

1 comment:

Ashleigh Weatherill said...

I don't know if you attended the meeting, but I thought I'd update your readers.

1) it was a good turn out (about 200ppl) but mostly Arapahoe Sq and CP residents
2) there was a short presentation regarding "the process"...all documents regarding the meeting will be availble on the website listed in your post within a few days.
3) after the presentation, the group broke up and visited the 4 tables, which housed large maps of the plan area, to address specific questions (what works, what doesn't, etc.---Parks and Rec, Business, Transportation, and Zoning/Density??-I'm not really sure about these titles, but it was somewhere along these lines)
4) Whittier's pres and I agreed that Cole and Whittier should do a similar exercise, since we are in the same boat in relationship to the plan area (i.e. our boarders are affected, but we are on the fringe so to speak). I spoke to Courtland about our idea and he was very, if things go as planned we will be performing a similar exercise @ the next CNA meeting on March 25th, that we will forward the results to the planning team.

I'll try to check back in and answer any question if there are any. But, if you can, try to make the next CNA meeting.
