Wednesday, September 19, 2007

An interesting discovery

In grabbing a cup today for my morning coffee, I noticed something funny: On the inside of the cabinet door (one of the few remaining fixtures in the house from the previous owners) I found gang graffiti--The "E/S" (East Side?) moniker that residents of Denver are all to familiar with.

I guess it shouldn't surprise me, as we knew the house was previously owned by a drug dealer, but finding graffiti inside my kitchen cabinets still seems strange!


Anonymous said...

I'm so stinking tired of stupid gang graffiti. What a bunch of idiots marking up our neighborhoods. Too bad the city (and the residents) seem to look the other way. It doesn't scare me at all it just makes me think how much of a bunch of idiots the kids that join gangs are.

Now graffiti in your cabinets, that's pretty funny shit.

Unknown said...

A fellow Cole resident; just found your blog.

I have found three or four symbols in my house, all the same, which I figure are gang signs. I've painted over the one in my son's closet, but should probably remove the tiny two on the front door and mail box.

I suppose it really was kids, trying to be "cool" without alarming their parents.