Monday, March 26, 2007

Good riddance, Elbra

I caught a little of the March 20th District 8 City Council Candidate Forum tonight on TV, and I have to say that each one of the candidates at least appears to have good intentions about actually making a difference in the district.

But each one of them should be sending outgoing councilwoman Elbra Wedgeworth a thank-you card for setting the bar so low on what is expected of them. While I understand why the current candidates are being diplomatic to Ms. Wedgeworth in warm, fuzzy statements like they'll "be proud to continue the tradition of excellence" she set, if one of them called her out for the stinking pile of (expletive) she has turned out to be as an ambassador for District 8, they'd instantly get my vote.

Can someone tell me something that Ms. Wedgeworth has actually contributed to this district in the last five years? Anyone? Heck, even her website suggests she checked out several years ago. (I can't find anything of note that she is bragging about that has happened since 2003.)

And don't tell me about the Democratic National Convention. While it's certainly arguable that the convention coming to Denver will benefit the city as a whole, I think it's unforgivable how Ms. Wedgeworth has taken her eye off her entire reason for being elected--SPECIFICALLY helping District 8--to chase around the Hillary Clinton crowd.

Now I know someone is going to say "Downtown is part of District 8, and thus she's helping District 8 by bringing in the Democratic National Convention." Okay, let's do a little comparison. Spend the morning walking around the 16th Street Mall, then the afternoon walking around Cole, Whittier, and the rest of District 8. Who needs the help here?

What about the education issues on the forefront of residents' minds? Crime? Violence? Graffiti? Poverty and health services? I wonder if Ms. Wedgeworth needs to read her own website to remind her exactly which district she represented. "Oh, right, District 8, I was way off!"

I can speak for it first-hand: I'm currently working with the promoters of an upcoming bicycling event in Curtis Park. Our organization contacted Ms. Wedgeworth to gain her office's support and assistance in making sure the event will be a successful, and sustainable one. We explained that the event is intended to spotlight Curtis Park and other redeveloping North Denver neighborhoods and businesses; provide a healthy, constructive event for underserved local residents; and even offers free bicycle helmets to children whose parents can't afford them. Ms Wedgeworth's response? That she didn't have time to even think about helping.

Again, can someone tell me some tangibile contribution Ms. Wedgeworth has made since Friends went off the air? She checked out so long ago, it's laughable.

She can't even maintain a basic facade of being engaged by keeping her website current.

I can't wait to see what we can actually achieve in this district when one of the new candidates (Carla Madison, Darrell Watson, Greg Rasheed, Lynne Smith, and Sharon Bailey) gets elected.

You can learn more about them here.

While I have picked my candidate, I've realized that any one of them, if they at least show up for work, will be a significant step forward for District 8 over the neglect we've endured under Ms. Wedgeworth.

Good luck with your convention, Elbra.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


You're way off BigSprinter, as recently as 2005 Elbra was working hard on behalf of her constituents, for example, complaining when a traditionally hip-hop radio station switched to country. And I quote:

"I'm not really comfortable (with the situation), but I think that the bigger picture is how we move forward and how we work with this station in the future," said Wedgeworth, who said she's concerned about the "constituencies that have lost their station."

I'm serious--Read the full story below:

ColeMemoirs said...

Thanks for sending that link! That's unbelievable! Just when I was beginning to think I was being a bit harsh, you rescue me--She thought a radio station's programming change was a serious issue for her "constituencies"?

"Forget gangs, country music is the biggest risk our urban youth face today..."

What a joke.