Sunday, July 27, 2008

At Least We Don't Have Cranes

Is it just me, or have there been like eleventy-billion crane accidents in the last couple years?I'm watching Fox News right now and they're talking about yet another crane accident, this one in Dallas, Texas. Think American cars are unreliable, what about our cranes?In fact, crane accidents are apparently so frequent that there is a website devoted exclusively to 'em. Forget Alaskan crab fishing; forget logging; I smell a reality show here (and yes, it stinks).So what does this have to do with Denver's Cole Neighborhood? Not a whole heck of a lot, honestly. But while we might have crackheads, gang bangers, and hookers, at least we don't have cranes. And based on the recent frequency of crane accidents, it seems like we should be pretty grateful for that fact. Be careful LoDo and Ballpark neighborhood residents! There are cranes everywhere downtown right now!Thanks for reading.

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