Sunday, July 27, 2008

Solving the homeless problem (for a weekend) in Denver

Have you gotten wind of the city's plan (apparently supported by the Colorado Coalition For the Homeless) to provide bus and movie tickets, even tickets to the zoo, to make sure when the world spotlight is on our wonderful city, people don't see the chronic homeless problem?Seriously--Tickets to the zoo--Don't believe me? Read more here.My favorite quote is this, from none other than the president of the Coalition, John Parvensky:"If they don't want to get caught up in the protests or demonstrations, we'll find other activities that will keep them busy."Yeah, right. You're acting to protect the homeless from the hubbub of the DNC. Not to hide the city's homeless problem, right?I'm an "evil conservative" but even I know that the last thing on the radar of the Denver homeless community is trying to find a quiet place to set up their cardboard box during DNC week. They don't know where they're going to get their next meal, or how they're going to turn their lives around people--A token trip to the zoo won't make one bit of difference in their lives. I'm pleasantly surprised to see that I'm not the only one that sees through this thinly-veiled strategy by the city.I mean, hmm... let me think, how else could we spend that ticket money? Perhaps for FOOD or MEDICAL CARE for these forgotten souls? Even a coupon for a free gut-buster Chipotle burrito would be a more meaningful gesture--That is, if you sincerely were acting with benevolence towards the homeless population.But it clearly isn't about making a real difference--It's never been about actually addressing the problem, despite annual grandstanding on the topic by the democratic mayor in office each year.This is all about PR. And perhaps, maintaining the facade of "the party of change." Makes me want to puke.While you're at it, why not buy all the gang-bangers, crackheads and dealers, and graffiti-painters a ticket to the zoo too?And while we're at it, why not buy them a bus ticket to El Paso or something? Why just hide 'em during the DNC? I'm sure Chickenlooper would be quick to call all the local press to bloviate about yet another self-perceived profound change he's championed in Denver.Is this "change you can believe in?"

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