Sunday, July 27, 2008

Typical Dog Walk in Cole

Ahhh... the sights and sounds of Cole.Took the dogs for a walk late last night on what turned out to be more of the same as far as this neighborhood goes. A few highlights:
A bunch of nice people out watering their lawns. More and more folks are sprucing up their yards, despite the near-record drought we're experiencing.
A few folks sitting on their porch that were less-than-friendly and potentially unsavory characters. I say hi to everyone, but it's pretty interesting when someone won't even respond to efforts to be friendly.
Two kids on bikes that I'm pretty sure were gang-bangers or at least out looking for trouble
A couple of crowds of neighborhood kids (Cole has some of the best kids, at least until they get older) wanting to learn about the dogs. Really sweet kids.
A guy speeding through the neighborhood in his Lincoln Navigator with mariachi music playing so loud it made windows on the houses he passed rattle, stopping smack in the middle of the street to proposition me to breed my dogs with his. (Not a walk goes by without someone asking to buy or breed our dogs.)
My crazy neighbor, who happened to be visiting friends (or perhaps her drug dealer) that as usual yelled "Mind 'yo bidness!!!" when she saw me (because she thinks I'm out to get her and the only person on the block that calls the cops).

My neighbor said the other day that "there's always a story" that comes with going for a walk in Cole. True dat.

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