Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sh*t my wife says

I realized that my wife says "Hmmm.... What do we have going on over here?" in only two very specific (and different)instances since we moved into Cole Neighborhood.

One, when she sees something suspicious.

Two, when she sees another house being fixed up.

And I have to admit she's been using it in the second context much more frequently as of late.


Aurora Sisneros said...

Thank goodness! My fave is seeing a giant dumpster out front of fixer upper. Can't wait to see them all turn over! Hurry up, people!

Anonymous said...

There's a big dumpster at 36th & York. Can't wait to see what it will look like when they finish. That place was for sale for a very long time!
Love the mat-- gotta get one.